HOME��� GRASS GIS - Simulation Models

Current Topics: erosion modelling, hydrological modelling, floodplain analysis, wildfire spread

Erosion modelling: ANSWERS - r.answers

Erosion modelling: AGNPS 5.0

Erosion modelling: KINEROS - r.kineros

Rainfall-runoff modelling: TOPMODEL - r.topmodel

Storm water runoff: r.water.fea

Hydrologic modelling: r.hydro.CASC2D

SWAT hydrologic model

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is the hydrologic model used in the SWAT/GRASS linkage (USDA/Arnold and others, 1995). SWAT is a continuous-time, basin-scale hydrologic model capable of complex long-term simulations including hydrology, pesticide and nutrient cycling, and erosion and sediment transport. It is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. SWAT is a public domain model actively supported by the USDA Agricultural Research Service at the Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory in Temple, TX.

Watershed Calculation: r.watershed

Floodplain Analysis: f.input etc.

Landscape Analysis: r.le

Wildfire spread simulation: r.ros/r.spread/r.spreadpath

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