DDr. Kurt Fedra

Environmental Software and Services GmbH
PO Box 100   A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen   AUSTRIA
Tel: +43 2252 633 05  Fax: +43 2252 633 059

WWW: https://ess.co.at/STAFF/kurt.html

List of Publications     see also: ESS Reports   (with selected on-line abstracts and papers).

Fedra K. (2010)
Non-linear multi-criteria emission control optimization with a 3D dynamic photochemical model system
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2010)
Operational web-based air quality forecasts: cascading real-time models for assessment, management and public information
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2009)
Web-based air quality forecasts: assessment, management and public information.
Presented at the AOGS 2009, Singapore, August 11-15, 2009.
Fedra, K., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2009)
Climate Change Scenarios and regional impacts: a case for robust adaptation strategies.
Presented at the COSMOS General Assembly/MedCLIVAR workshop, FUB, Berlin, June 15-17, 2009.
Fedra, K., Rashidi, Y. and Kim, T. (2009)
Real-time air quality assessment and management: cascading models in a web based implementation. ITM 2009, 30th NATO/SPS, International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, San Francisco, 18-22 May, 2009.
Fedra, K. (2008)
Air Quality Assessment and Management: Web-based tools. Presented at: Better Air Quality 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-15 November 2009
Fedra, K. (2008)
Coastal zone resource management: Tools for a participatory planning and decision making process. 673-686., In: R. Krishnamurthy et. al., [eds]: Integrated Coastal Zone Management - The Global Challenge. Research Publishing Services, Singapore.
Fedra, K.(2008)
Technological risk assessment and management: can we integrate terrorist attacks ?
pp. 353-373 , In: Coskun, H.G., Cigizoglu, H.K., and Maktav, D, [eds.]: Integration of Information for Environmental Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. 498 pp., Springer, Dordrecht.
Harmancioglu, N. Fedra, K., and Barbaros, F.(2008)
Analysis of Sustainability in Management of Water Scarce Basins:
the case of the Gediz River Basin in Turkey.
Desalination, 226(2008), pp. 175-182.
Fedra, K., Kubat, M., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2007)
Web-based water resources management: economic valuation and participatory multi-criteria optimization.
WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2007, IASTED Conference on Water Resources Management, August 2007, Honolulu, Hawai.
Cetinkaya, C.P., Fistikoglu, O., Fedra, K. and Harmancioglu, N. (2007)
Optimisation Methods Applied for Sustainable Management of Water-Scarce Basins.
Journal of Hydroinformatics (in press).
Fedra, K. (2006)
Technological Risk Assessment and Management: can we integrate terrorism ?   NATO ARW "Integration of Information for Security", Istanbul September 26-29, 2006.
Fedra, K. (2006)
Technological Risk Assessment and Management: GIS, simulation models and real-time expert systems. for natural resources and environmental management. 10 pp., In: Map Midle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
Fedra, K. (2006)
Beyond GIS: Integrating dynamic simulatiom models and GIS for natural resources and environmental management. 10 pp., In: Map Midle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
Fedra, K. (2006)
Embedded GIS in environmental management. 22-16 pp., GIS Development, Vol7. 7/3
Fedra, K. (2006)
Urban and industrial air quality assessment and management: Internet based solutions.
The Clean Air Journal, NACA NVSL Vol. 15/1 April 2006, pp. 19-23.
Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Modelling at the River Basin Scale (tutorial presentation)   IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Simulation and Optimization: a web based approach.   IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
Fedra,K., and Harmancioglu, N. (2005)
A web-based water resource simulation and optimization system. In: Savic, D., Walters, G., King, R., and Khu, A-T. [eds], Proceeding of CCWI 2005, Water management for the 21st Century. Volume II, 167-172, Center of Water Systems, University of Exeter.
Fedra, K. (2004)
Coastal Zone Resource Management: Tools for a Participatory Planning and Decision Making Process. In: Green, D.R. et al. [eds.]: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy. Proceedings of Littoral 2004, September 2004, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK., Volume 1, 281-286 pp.
Fedra, K. (2004)
Water Resources Management in the Coastal Zone: Issues of Sustainability. In: Harmancioglu, N.B., Fisitikoglu, O., Dlkilic, Y, and Gul, A. [eds.]: Water Resources Management: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the EWRA Symposium, September 2-4, 2004, Izmir, Turkey, Volume I, 23-38 pp.
Fedra, K. (2004)
Sustainable Urban Transportation: a model-based approach.
Cybernetics and Systems, 35: 455-485.
Fedra, K. and Abdel-Rehim, A. (2004)
Spatial Analysis for Coastal Zone Management: Beyond GIS.
Proceedings of CoastGIS'03, on-line: http://www.gisig.it/coastgis/papers/fedra.htm
Fedra, K. (2003)
From Data Management to Decision Support. In: Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production. Harmancioglu, N.B., Ozkul, S.D., Fisitkoglu, O, and Geerders, P. [eds]. 395-410 pp., NATO Science Series, IV, Earth and Environmental Scieneces, Vol. 23, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Fedra, K. (2002)
AirWare: an Urban and Industrial Air Quality Assessment and Management Information System. In: MoussiopoulosN, and Karatzas, K. [eds], SATURN-EURASAP, Urban Air Quality Management Systems. 73-91 pp., EUROTRAC-2, ISS, Munich.
Fedra, K. (2002)
GIS and simulation models for Water resources Management: A case study of the Kelantan River, Malaysia. 39-43 pp., GIS Development, 6/8.
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (2002)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 17 (2002) 131-146.
Karatzas, K., Moussiopoulos, N., Fedra, K., Lohmeyer, A., and Kouroumlis, C. (2001)
A Multimedia Application for EIA Studies. IEEE MultiMedia. 8/4, 71-75.
Fedra, K., and Gordov, E. (2000)
Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring and Management: ISIREMM. pp 141-145. In: Gordov, E. [ed.:] Proceedings, ENVIROMIS'2000, 24-28 October 2000, Tomsk. Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS.
Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Decision Support Systems: A conceptual framework and application examples. Thése prèsentèe á la Facultè des sciences, de l'Universitè de Genéve pour obtenir le grade de Docteur és sciences, mention interdisciplinaire. 368 pp., Imprimerie de l'Universitè de Genéve, 2000.
Fedra, K. (2000)
Model-based decision support for integrated urban air quality management. In: Longhurst, J.W., Elsom, D.M. and Power, H. [eds.] Air Quality Management, pp 243-260, WIT Press, Southampton.
Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Information and Descision Support Systems. Informatik/Informatique 4/2000, pp. 14-20.
Fedra, K. (2000)
Urban environmental management: monitoring, GIS and modeling. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 23(1999) 443-457.
Fedra, K., Haurie, H. (1999)
A decision support system for air quality management combining GIS and optimization techniques. Int. J. Environment and Pollution Vol.12, Nos.2/3, 1999 , 125-146.
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1999)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. In: Environmental Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Technical Report WS-99-07, pp 1-7, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA.
Fedra, K. (1999)
Urban Environmental Management. Integrating Monitoring, GIS and Simulation Models. GIM International, 7/13, 28-31.
Fedra, K., Haurie, A., and Kanala, R. (1999)
Integrated Decision Support System for Air Quality Management. In:Integrating Technology and Human Decisions: Global Bridges into the 21st Century Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Decision Science Institute, Athens, Greece, July 4-7 1999. Decision Science Institute.
Fedra, K., Karatzas, K. and Moussiopoulos, N. (1999)
Integrated urban environmental management: Monitoring, simulation, decision support. In: N.Moussiopoulo [ed.]: Research in the Fields of Energy and the Environment. Selected Scientific Articles of the Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering. pp. 101-109. Thessaloniki.
Fedra, K. (1998)
High Performance Computing for Environmental Management:
Monitoring, Simulation, Decision Support.
Presented at the IST'98 workshop: IST Applications and Services for Environmental Management in European Cities and Regions, Austria Center Vienna, December 2, 1998.
Fedra, K. (1998)
Integrated Risk Assessment and Management: Overview and State-of-the-Art.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 61 (1998) 5-22.
Fedra, K. and Feoli, E. (1998)
GIS Technology and Spatial Analysis in Coastal Zone Management. EEZ Technology, Ed. 3, 171-179.
Degli Agosti,R., Couach,O., Fiore-Donno,A.-M., Clerc,P., Dubois,A., Courvoisier,O., Hussy,C., Fedra K., Greppin, H., and Haurie, A. (1998)
Integration of biological indicators (lichens) of the state of the environemnt in a sptial (GIS) intelligent decision support system (IDSS). In: H.Greppin, R.Degli Agosti and C. Penel [eds.] The Co-Action between Living Systems and the Planet. University of Geneva, pp. 249-262.
Fedra, K. (1997)
Integrated Environmental Information Systems: from data to information. In: N.B. Harmancioglu, M.N. Alpaslan, S.D.Ozkul, and V.P. Singh [eds.]: Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems, 367-378. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Fedra, K., Greppin, H., Haurie, A., Hussy, C., Dao, Hy, and Kanala, R. (1996)
GENIE: An Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support System for Geneva. Part I: Air Quality. Arch.Sci.Geneve, Vol. 49, Fasc.3, pp 247-263.
Fedra, K. (1996)
Multi-Media Environmental Information Systems: Wide-Area Networks, GIS, and Expert Systems. GIS: Geo-Informations-Systeme 9/3, pp. 3-10.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: I. Conceptual Design. Journal of Hydrology, 177/3-4, pp. 163-175.
Fedra, K. and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: II. Planning Capability. Journal of Hydrology, 177/3-4, pp. 177-198.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: III. Example Applications. Journal of Hydrology, 177/3-4, pp. 199-211.
Fedra, K., and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
An object-oriented approach to model integration: a river basin information system example. In: Kovar, K. and Nachtnebel, H.P. [eds.]: IAHS Publ. no 235, pp. 669-676.
Fedra, K. (1996)
Distributed Models and Embedded GIS: Strategies and Case Studies of Integration. In: Goodchild, M.F., Steyart, L.Y., Parks, B.O., Johnston, C., Maidment, D., Crane, M. and Glendinning, S. [Eds.], GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues. pp. 413-417. GIS World Books, Fort Collins, CO.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1995)
Use of a Decision-Support System for the Planning and Restoration of the Rio Lerma in Mexico. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 95), Volume 3: Water Resources and Ecology, pp. 218-223, Newcastle, Australia.
Fedra, K. and E. Weigkricht (1995)
Integrated Information Systems for Technological Risk Assessment. In G.E.G. Beroggi and W.A. Wallace [Eds.] Computer Supported Risk Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. The Netherlands. pp. 213-232.
Fedra, K. (1995)
Chemicals in the Environment: GIS, Models, and Expert Systems. In James Devillers [Ed.] Toxicology Modelling. Vol. 1, No. 1. Carfax Publishing Company, UK. pp. 43-55.
Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support for Natural Resources Management: Models, GIS and Expert Systems. Presented at Decision Support 2001. September 12-16, 1994. AI Applications. 9/3 pp.3-19.
Fedra, K. (1995)
From Spatial Data to Spatial Information: GIS, Environmental Models and Expert Systems. In: From Research to Application through Cooperation. Proceedings Volume 1 - Stream 1,2 and 3. Proceedings of Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information. Netherlands Congress Centre The Hague. AKM Messen AG. March 26-31, 1995. pp. 264-278.
Weigkricht, E. and Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support Systems for Dangerous Goods Transportation. INFOR vol 32, no. 5. May 1995, pp 84-99.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Model-based Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In L.M. Hilty, A. Jaeschke, B. Page and A. Schwabl [Eds.] Informatik für den Umweltschutz. Band I. 8. Symposium, Hamburg, Germany 1994. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, Germany. pp. 37-58.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Urbane Umweltinformationssysteme. In it+ti 4/5 - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik 36 R. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 43-48.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Environmental Monitoring. In: Survival by Technology. Proceedings of the European Forum on Technology. 15-17 September 1993. Klagenfurt, Carinthia. Austria. pp. 46-51.
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1994)
Environmental Assessment, Management, and Reporting. In Robert Trappl [ed.] Cybernetics and Systems '94 - Volume I. Proceedings of the Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Resaerch (EMCSR'94), organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vienna, Austria. April 5-8, 1994. World Scientific. pp. 927-934.
Fedra, K. (1994)
GIS in Environmental Applications. In Peter J. Shand and Peter J. Ireland [eds.] The 1994 European GIS Yearbook. NCC Blackwell and Hastings Hilton Publishers Ltd. pp. 110-114.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In: G. Guariso and B. Page [eds.] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (B-16). Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.11 Working Conference on Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment, CSEIA 93. Como, Italy. 6-8 October 1993. Elsevier Science B.V. (North Holland). pp.269-288.
Fedra, K. (1994)
GIS and environmental modeling. In: M.F. Goodchild, B.O. Parks and L.T. Steyaert [eds.] Environmental Modeling with GIS. 35-50, Oxford University Press.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Marine Systems Analysis and Modeling. Proceedings of the Symposium "The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World". 100 Years Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. September 13-18, 1992. Isle of Helgoland. Germany. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen Volume 49. pp. 617-632.
Fedra, K., Diersch, H.J. and Härig, F. (1994)
Interactive Modeling of Groundwater Contamination: Visualization and Intelligent User Interfaces. In D.C. Adriano, A.K. Iskandar and I.P. Murarka [Eds.] Contamination of Groundwaters. Advances in Environmental Science. Science Reviews. Northwood, UK. pp. 189-220.
Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1994)
XENVIS: An Environmental Information System for Technological Risk Assessment. Proceedings of SRA-Europe 4th Conference on European Technology and Experience in Safety Analysis and Risk Management - Ten Years after the Seveso Directive. Rome, Italy. 18-20 October, 1993.
Fedra, K and Weigkricht, E. (1993)
Nowoczesne Zastosowania Komputerowe. In: J.W. Owsinski [ed.]. Analiza Systemowa i Jej Zastosowania. Materialy z konferencji ``Dni Miedzynarodowego Instytutu Stosowanej Analizy Systemowej''. Warszawa, Palac Staszica, 20-21 kwietnia 1993. Warsaw, grudzien.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Software Tools for Environmental Planning and Management. In: Managing the Mediterranean - Information for Decision Making. Proceedings of the Joint ESF-CEC Workshop. 18-20 November, 1993. Venice, Italy. pp. 139-142.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Models, GIS and Expert Systems in Environmental Management. In: Environmental, Urban and Social Planning - The Winning Vision. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Inc. Adelaide, Australia. 22-26 November 1993. pp. 223-240.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Clean Air - Air Quality Modelling and Management. In: Mapping Awareness and GIS in Europe. Volume 7 No. 6. July/August. A Miles Arnold Publication. pp. 24-27.
Lassarre, S., Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1993)
Computer-Assisted Routing of Dangerous Goods for Haute-Normandie. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 119, No.2. pp. 200-210.
Fedra, K. and Kubat, M. (1993)
Hybrid GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Applications. RR-93-20. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. Hybrid Geographical Information Systems reprinted from EARSel Advances in Remote Sensing (1992) 1(3):89-100. A Global Change Impact Assessment System: GIS, Models and Expert Systems reprinted from Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change (1993) ISSN:1068-9281, pps. I-657-I-668.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Models, GIS and Expert Systems: Integrated Water Resources Models. In K. Kovar and H.P. Nachtnebel [eds.]. Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Proceedings of an international conference held in Vienna, Austria, 19-22 April, 1993. IAHS Publication No. 211. pp. 297-308.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Integrated Information Systems for Water Resources Management. Preprints of Papers. WATERCOMP '93. 2nd Australasian Conference on Computing for the Water Industry Today and Tomorrow. Melbourne, Australia. 30 March - 1 April, 1993. The Institution of Engineers, Australia. National Conference Publication No. 93/2. pp. 277-289.
Fedra, K., Weigkricht, E. and Winkelbauer, L. (1993)
Decision Support and Information Systems for Regional Development Planning. In: T. Vasko [ed.] Problems of Economic Transition - Regional Developments in Central and Eastern Europe. Selected Papers from an International Colloquium held at Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, CSFR, 21-24 April 1991. Avebury. pp. 215-242
Weigkricht, E. and Fedra, K. (1993)
Computer Support for Risk Assessment of Dangerous Goods Transportation. In F. Frank Saccomanno and Keith Cassidy [eds.] Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Assessing the Risks. Proceedings of International Consensus Conference on the Risks of Transporting Dangerous Goods. April 6-8, Toronto. Canada. Institute for Risk Research, University of Waterloo, Canada. pp. 3-18.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Expert Systems in Water Resources Simulation and Optimization. In J.B. Marco et.al [eds.] Stochastic Hydrology and its Use in Water Resources Systems Simulation and Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. pp-397-412.
Fedra, K. (1992)
Intelligent Environmental Information Systems. In: Vorträge Wasserbau Symposium Wintersemster 1991/92 Ökologie und Umweltverträglichkeit. Mitteilungen 85. (ISSN 0343-1045), pp 289-311.
Fedra, K. (1992)
Simulation Modelling in Environmental Impact Assessment. In A.K. Biswas and S.B.C. Agarwala [eds.] Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, UK. pp. 140-159.
Fedra, K. (1991)
Environmental Information Systems: State of the Art and Perspectives. In A. Moroni., E. Aloj Totáro and A. Anelli [eds.] ECOLOGIA Atti Del Quarto Congresso Nazionale Della Societá Italiana di Ecologia. Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza) S.I.T.E. Atti, 12.
Fedra, K., Winkelbauer, L. and Pantulu. V.R. (1991)
Expert Systems for Environmental Screening. An Application in the Lower Mekong Basin. RR-91-19. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-236l Laxenburg, Austria. 169p.
Fedra, K. (1991)
Smart Software for Water Resources Planning and Management. In: D.P. Loucks and J.R. da Costa [Eds.], Decision Support Systems. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G26. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.145-172.
Fedra, K. (1991)
A Computer-based Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment. In: A.G. Colombo and G. Premazzi [eds.] Proceedings of the Workshop on Indicators and Indices for Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Analysis. Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. 15-16 May, 1990. Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg. pp.11-40.
Winkelbauer, L. and Fedra, K. (1991)
ALEX: Automatic Learning in Expert Systems. In Proceedings Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications. February 24-28, 1991, Miami Beach, Florida. IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, California. pp.59-62.
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1991)
MEXSES: An Expert System for Environmental Screening. In Proceedings Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications. February 24-28, 1991, Miami Beach, Florida. IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, California. pp.294-298.
Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1991)
Environmental Software Featuring Interactive Interfaces. In Denzer, R., Hagen, H., Kutschke, K.-H. [eds.] Visualisierung von Umweltdaten. Informatik-Fachberichte 274, Springer-Verlag.
Fedra, K. (1990)
Interactive Environmental Software: Integration, Simulation and Visualization. In: W. Pillmann and A. Jaeschke [eds.] Informatik für den Umweltschutz. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Computer Science for Environmental Protection. 19-21 September 1990. Vienna, Austria. Springer-Verlag. pp. 733--744.
Fedra, K. and Reitsma, R.F. (1990)
Decision Support and Geographical Information Systems. In: H.J. Scholten and J.C. H. Stillwell [eds.] Geographical Information Systems for Urban and Regional Planning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp.177--186.
Fedra, K. (1990)
Modeling Chemical Production: Software Tools for Risk Analysis. In S. Maltezou, A. Metry and W.A. Irwin [eds.] Industrial Risk Management and Clean Technology. Orac. pp.48-60.
Fedra, K., Weigkricht, E. and Winkelbauer, L. (1990)
Models, GIS and Expert Systems for Environmental Impact Analysis. Paper presented at Envirotech Vienna 1990 - Computer Workshop on Environmental Information Systems. October 23-26, 1990. Austria Center Vienna, Austria. International Society for Environmental Protection.
Fedra, K. (1990)
Integrated Development Planning: The Shanxi Province Project. Terra. pp.57:68. (In Italian).
Fedra, K. (1990)
Interactive Modeling of Environmental Impacts. In U. Jaaksoo and V.I. Utkin [eds.] In the Service of Mankind. Proceedings of the 11th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Tallinn, USSR. August 13--17, 1990. Pergamon, Oxford, UK. pp. 521-527. Vol.5.
Fedra, K. and Diersch, H.J. (1989)
Interactive Groundwater Modeling: Color Graphics, ICAD and AI. Proceedings of International Symposium on Groundwater Management: Quantity and Quality. Benidorm, Spain October 2--5, 1989. IAHS Publication No 188. pp.305-320.
Fedra, K. (1989)
Modeling Hazardous Chemicals: Software Tools for Environmental Risk Analysis. In K.L. Zirm and J. Mayer [eds.] Envirotech Vienna 1989 - Computer--Based Information Systems in Environmental Protection and Public Administration (Workshop). February 20--23, 1989. Vienna/Hofburg, Austria. International Society for Environmental Protection.
Fedra, K. (1989)
Computer-Based Information and Decision Support Systems for the Management of Hazardous Substances and Industrial Risk. In S.P. Maltezou, A.K. Biswas and H. Sutter [eds.] Hazardous Waste Management, Selected papers from an International Expert Workshop convened by UNIDO in Vienna, 22-26 June 1987 - (Natural resources and the environment series, volume 23). Tycooly, London and New York.
Weigkricht, E. and Fedra. K. (1989)
Intelligent Support Systems for Complex Issues. In K. Borcherding, O.I. Larichev and D.M. Messick [eds.] Contemporary Issues in Decision Making. Selected papers of 12th Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM). Moscow, August. North-Holland.
Fedra, K. (1988)
Information and Decision Support Systems for Risk Analysis. In W.D. Ehrenberger [ed.] Safety of Computer Control Systems 1988 (SAFECOMP '88), Safety Related Computers in an Expanding Market. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium, Fulda, FRG, 9-11 November 1988. pp. 53-59.
Fedra, K. (1988)
Expert Systems for Integrated Development: A Case Study of Shanxi Province, PRC. In: W. Cheng [ed.] Proceedings of International Conference on Systems Science and Engineering (ICSSE'88), 25-28 July, Beijing, China. International Academic Publishers (A Pergamon-CNPIEC Joint Venture). pp. 913-916.
Fedra, K. (1988)
Model-based Decision Support Systems: Application to Large Lakes and Hazardous Waste Management. In Norbert W. Schmidtke [ed.] Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes, Volume IV: Prevention of Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes. Proceedings of a technical session of the World Conference on Large Lakes, held May 18-21, 1986, Mackinac Island, Michigan. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Michigan. pp. 77-103.
Fedra, K. (1988)
Systems Analysis and Ecological Modelling for ASsessment and Control of Marine Eutrophication. UNESCO Reports in Marine Science, No.49, Eutrophication i8n the Mediterranean Sea: receiving capacity and monitoring of long-term effects. 95-106, UNESCO. Paris.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1988)
The Potential Impact of Software Engineering on Water-Quality Modeling. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Quality Modeling of Agricultural Non-Point Sources, Part 2, June 19-23, 1988, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. United States Department of Agriculture, ARS-81 (June 1990), 707-714.
Fedra, K., Karhu, M., Rys, T., Skocz, M., Zebrowski, M. and Ziembla, W. (1987)
Model-based Decision Support for Industry-Environment Interactions. A Pesticide Industry Example. WP-87-97. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
Fedra, K., Li, Z., Wang, Z. and Zhao, C. (1987)
Expert Systems for Integrated Development: A Case Study of Shanxi Province, The People's Republic of China. SR-87-001. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
Winkelbauer, L., and Fedra, K. (1987)
Intelligent Decision Support for the Management of Hazardous Substances: Symbolic Simulation of Chemical Production Processes. In: Retti, J. and Wichmann, K.E. [Eds.] Proceedings of the European Simulation Multiconference, (ESM 87): Simulation in CIM and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Vienna, Austria, July 7\-10, 1987, pp.191-196.
Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1987)
Model-Based Decision Support for Large and Complex Issues. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for General Systems Research on "Problems of Constancy and Change", Budapest, Hungary, June 1-5, 1987.
Fedra, K., Weigkricht, E. and Winkelbauer, L. (1987)
A Hybrid Approach to Information and Decision Support Systems: Hazardous Substances and Industrial Risk Management. RR-87-12, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-236l Laxenburg, Austria. Reprinted from "Economics and Artificial Intelligence", Pergamon Books, Ltd.
Loucks, D.P. and Fedra, K. (1987)
Impact of Changing Computer Technology on Hydrologic and Water Resource Modeling. In: Review of Geophysics, Vol.25, No.2, March.
Grauer, M. and Fedra, K. (1987)
Intelligent Decision Support for Technology Assessment: The Chemical Process Industry. In: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. 286 Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Volume 2. [Eds.] Y. Sawaragi, K. Inoue and H. Nakayama. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. 18-22 August, 1986, Kyoto, Japan. Springer Verlag. pp.40-55.
Fedra, K. (1986)
Decision Making in Water Resources Planning: Models and Computer Graphics. In Arne J. Carlsen [ed.] Proceedings UNESCO Symposium on Decision Making in Water Resources Planning VOL 2, May 5--7, 1986, Oslo, Norway. Norwegian National Committee for Hydrology, Oslo, Norway. pp. 451-468.
Peckham, R., Williams, J., Fedra, K. and Otway, H. (1986)
A Decision Support System for Risk Management. Paper presented at the conference on Multi-Attribute Decision Making via OR-Based Expert Systems, University of Passau, FRG, April 20-25.
Fedra, K., Paruccini, M. and Otway, H. (1986)
Model-based Decision Support and Risk Management. Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Assessing and Controlling the Risks: Society Facing Major Hazards. Chantilly, France, January 20-22.
Fedra, K., Schneider, J. and Ditterich, K. (1986)
Advanced Decision Oriented Software for the Management of Hazardous Substances. A Survey of Software and Sources of Information. EUR 10861 EN, 64 pp., Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research centre, Ispra Establishment.
Fedra, K. and Otway, H. (1986)
Advanced Decision-oriented Software for the Management of Hazardous Substances. Part III. Decision Support and Expert Systems: Uses and Users. CP-86-14, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 44p.
Fedra, K. (1986)
Advanced Decision-oriented Software for the Management of Hazardous Substances. Part II. A Demonstration Prototype System. CP-86-10, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 98p.
Zhao, Ch., Winkelbauer, L. and Fedra, K. (1985)
Advanced Decision-oriented Software for the Management of Hazardous Substances. Part VI. The Interactive Decision-Support Module. CP-85-50, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 39p.
Fedra, K. (1985)
Advanced Computer Applications for Large-scale Systems Analysis. In: Fandel, G., M. Grauer., A. Kurzhanski, and A.P. Wierzbicki [eds.] Large-Scale Modelling and Interactive Decision Analysis. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Eisenach, GDR, 18-21 November 1985. Springer-Verlag. 363p.
Fedra, K. (1985)
Interactive Water Resources Planning and Management - Computer Simulation with a Friendly User-Interface. In A. Sydow, M. Thoma and R. Vichnevetsky [eds.] Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation. Berlin August 26-31, 1985. Pergamon, Oxford, UK. pp. 490-492. Volume 1.
Fedra, K. (1985)
Advanced Decision-oriented Software for the Management of Hazardous Substances. Part I: Structure and Design (Final Report to EURATOM CEC/JRC, Ispra, Italy). CP-85-18, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 61p.
Loucks, D.P., Kindler, J. and Fedra, K. (1985)
Interactive Water Resources Modeling and Model Use: An Overview. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 95-102.
Fedra, K. and Loucks, D.P. (1985)
Interactive Computer Technology for Planning and Policy Modeling. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 114-122.
Fedra, K. (1985)
A Modular Interactive Simulation System for Eutrophication and Regional Development. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 143-152.
Fedra, K. (1984)
Ein Interaktives Computer-Simulationsmodell für den Neusiedlersee und sein Einzugsgebiet. BFB-Bericht 51, 5-15.
Fedra, K. (1984)
Systemsimulation als Entscheidungshilfe im Umweltbereich. (Proceedings of ASIM 84, 2. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Wien, 25-27 September 1984, Springer Heidelberg.)
Fedra, K. (1984)
Microcomputers for Environmental Planning and Management - Expert Systems with a Friendly User Interface. In: "Mikroelektronik f\"ur den Menschen", p. 1123-1137, Proceedings of a Symposium, Linz 11-13 September 1984, FIM, Linz.
Fedra, K. (1984)
Interactive Water Quality Simulation in a Regional Framework: A Management Oriented Approach to Lake and Watershed Modeling. Ecological Modelling, 21: 209-232. (reprinted as IIASA RR-84-12; also translated into German and appeared as: Ein interaktives Computer-Simulationsmodell für den Neusiedlersee und sein Einzugsgebiet, Sonderdruck aus: Der Einfluss des diffusen and punktuellen Nährstoffeintrags auf die Eutrophierung von Seen, Veröffentlichungen des Österreichischen MaB-Programms, Band 8, Teil 2, 1985, Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck).
Fedra, K. (1983)
A Modular Approach to Comprehensive System Simulation: A Case Study of Lakes and Watersheds. In: Lauenroth, W.K., Skogerboe, G.V. and Flug, M. [eds.]: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. Proceedings of a Symposium at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, May 1982. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp 195-204.
Fedra, K. (1983)
Environmental Modeling under Uncertainty: Monte Carlo Simulation. RR-83-28. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 78p.
Fedra, K. (1983)
A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimation and Prediction. In: M.B. Beck and G. van Straten [eds.]: Uncertainty and Forecasting of Water Quality, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.259-291.
Fedra, K. (1982)
Nährstoffhaushalt und Wasserqualität: Systemanalyse und numerische Simulation. BFB-Bericht 42 (1981), 5-23.
Fedra, K. (1981)
L'ordinateur au service de l'ecologie des systemes lacustres. L'Autriche Presente 2/1981, 28-33.
Fedra, K., Guariso, G., Kuusito, E., Orlovski, S., Rinaldi, S., Soncini-Sessa, R. and Zielinski, P. (1981)
Il valore dell'informazione nella regolazione del Lago di Como. pp. 61-70, In: La regolazione del Lago di Como, analisi e proposte di miglioramento. Raccolta delgi studi svolti presso il Centro Teoria dei Sistemi, CNR, Politecnico di Milano. Clup, Milano.
Fedra, K. (1981)
Pelagic Foodweb Analysis: Hypothesis Testing by Simulation. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderh.5, 249-258.
Fedra, K. (1981)
Estimating Model Prediction Accuracy: A Stochastic Approach to Ecosystem Modelling. In: D.M.Dubois [ed.], Progress in Ecological Engineering and Management by Mathematical Modelling. 87-105, edition cebedoc sprl, Liege.
Fedra, K. (1981)
Hypothesis Testing by Simulation: An Environmental Example. WP-81-74. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 45p.
Fedra, K., van Straten, G. and Beck, M.B. (1981)
Uncertainty and Arbitrariness in Ecosystems Modelling: A Lake Modelling Example. Ecological Modelling 13: 187-210
Fedra, K. (1980)
Austrian Lake Ecosystems Case Study: Achievements, Problems, and Outlook After the First Year of Research. CP-80-41. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 148p.
Fedra, K. (1980)
Mathematical Modelling - A Management Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems? Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 34, 221-235.
Fedra, K. (1980)
Numerische Simulation der Wasserqualität: ein Phosphor-Szenarium für den Attersee. In: Attersee Jahresbericht 1979, Arbeiten aus dem Labor Weyregg 4:1980, 194-212.
Fedra, K. and Machan, R. (1979)
A Self-Contained Underwater Time-Lapse Camera for In Situ Long-Term Observations. Mar.Biol.55, 239-246.
Fedra, K. (1979)
A Stochastic Approach to Model Uncertainty: A Lake Modelling Example. WP-79-63. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 46p.
Fedra, K. (1979)
Modeling Biological Processes in the Aquatic Environment; With Special Reference to Adaptation. WP-79-20. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 56p.
Fedra, K. (1979)
Angewandte Systemanalyse im Rahmen des Österreichischen Eutrophie-Programmes, Projekt Salzkammergutseen. In: Arbeiten aus dem Labor Weyregg, 3/79, Jahresbericht 1978, 121-130.
Fedra, K. (1978)
Zur Ökologie des Golfs von Triest. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Formal- und Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Wien, 240p.
Fedra, K. (1978)
On the Ecology of the North Adriatic Sea. Wide-range Investigations on the Benthos: The Gulf of Triest. Memorie di Biogegrafia Adriatica, Suppl.IX,69-87.
Ott, J. and Fedra, K. (1977)
Stabilizing Properties of a High Biomass Benthic Community in a Fluctuating Ecosystem. Helgoländer wiss. Meeresuntersuchungen, 30 (1-4), 485-494.
Ölscher, E. and Fedra, K. (1977)
On the Ecology of a Suspension Feeding Benthic Community: Filter Efficiency and Behaviour. In: B.F. Keegan, P.O. Ceidigh, and P.J.S. Boaden [eds.], Biology of Benthic Organisms. Pergamon Press. pp.483-492.
Fedra, K. (1977)
Structural Features of a North Adriatic Benthic Community. In: B.F. Keegan, P.O. Ceidigh and P.J.S. Boaden [eds.] Biology of Benthic Organisms. Pergamon Press. pp.233-246.
Fedra, K., Ölscher, E., Scherübel, C., Stachowitsch, M. and Wurzian, R.S (1976)
On the Ecology of a North Adriatic Benthic Community: Distribution, Standing Crop, and Composition of the Macrobenthos. Mar.Biol. 38(2), 129-145.
Machan, R. and Fedra, K. (1975)
A New Towed Camera System for Wide-range Benthic Surveys. Mar.Biol.33, 75-84 .
Fedra, K. (1975)
Unterwasser Zeitrafferaufnahmen in der Meeresbiologie. Wiss.Film Nr.16, 37-43.
Fedra, K. (1974)
Filtrierverhalten und Aktivitätsrhythmik bei Ophiothrix quinquemaculata (Echinodermata). Bundesstaatliche Hauptstelle für Wissenschaftliche Kinematographie Wien, Research Film P1567.

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